
Residential Exterior Painting

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Paint being poured in order to be painted on the wall

At Attention To Detail Painters, we are a locally-owned and operated painting company offering expert exterior painting services to commercial and residential clients. Painting the exterior of a structure is trickier than painting the interior. Whether you want to get your roof, gutters, garage, or extra storage painted, we are prepared to get the job done.

Why Attention To Detail Painters

We offer matchless exterior painting solutions for seamless and successful completion of each project, no matter how urgent or big. The exterior of a structure significantly impacts the curb appeal of a property, which in turn affects its value so that no compromises can be made there.

Professional Painters

We have a team of highly-trained professionals, each of whom has over ten years of experience, the right skill set, tools, knowledge, and a strong work ethic, all of which are necessary for a project’s success. They can easily deal with any risks the job presents.

Customer Satisfaction

At Attention To Detail Painters, customer satisfaction is the #1 priority. We aim to please by providing services that exceed our clients’ expectations without straying from their brief. All our workers understand how important the happiness of our customers is to us.

Expert Guidance

We offer all clients a simple estimate and expert guidance to help them achieve the best in terms of aesthetics and functionality. We advise them on what the perfect colors would be and which paint would work best with the kind of weather in the region.

Timely Completion

We ensure that the whole project goes on without a hiccup — making sure no step is missed and error is made. Staying vigilant and proactive helps us avoid unnecessary delays and potential costs incurred during the painting process.


We have the BEST painters to give you the quality everyone deserves when painting their home. Our painters and workmanship also allow us to offer you industry leading 5 year warranties on your exterior project. Let us bring the best painting experience to your home.